Wednesday, July 20, 2005

More Top Celebrity Crushes

Ten MORE Celebrity Crushes:
(after much pondering this list, I realized these names also belong on my personal list)

10. Timothy Hutton (he is dreamy!)
9. David Duchovny (he could debrief me anytime!)
8. Ewan McGregor
7. Cillian Murphy (he was in the new Batman Begins as the bad guy. He has the greatest lips ever!)
6. Jason and Jeremy London (since they're brothers, I won't give them two spots! I couldn't choose!!)
5. Jason Lee (he is hilarious!)
4. Michael Rapaport (I think he would be the coolest guy to hang out with. Before I die, I hope I get to do that :) )
3. Josh Lucas (even though I usually pride myself on liking the uncommon celebrity hunk, those eyes......)
2. Ben Chaplin (the accent...I hope it's real!!)
1. Cole Hauser (I'll sit through bad movies to see him, but he looks his best in "White Oleander!")

More may follow.......

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Sadness Attached To Blogging

For a long time, I resisted the urge to blog openly. I had a blog that I kept on my University's server and mostly only those who knew me accessed it unless someone happened to surf in following a search-gone-awry. Then, I started reading other Blogspots, or vehicles like Blogspot, and realized that much of what went on in "blogworld" annoyed me and insulted the intelligence of me and most people I know.

For example, people who use their blogs to advertise photos of themselves in vast quantities are desperate and sad. Perfect strangers might like to see ONE of your school pictures or sports team pictures, but once you've pasted those plus 5+ pictures of your friends you've really just wandered across the line of "no one cares" and deep down you already know that. And if you're maxed out on photos all of yourself taken by you with your own digital camera (and none of them are artfully Photoshop'd), I think it's time to start seeing a therapist. Esp. if any of those photos you took of yourself were done using a mirror, which causes that HUGE annoying flash. If said photos include gang signs or drug and alcohol pics (actual drug addicts and gangsters probably don't blog), then really....step away from the computer, shower, and get a job.

What's worse than too many photos of yourself? When you make a photo slideshow that plays on page-load and most of the photos are OF YOU. This makes me want to pray for your soul and then punch you in the throat. Video of any kind on a page, and graphics that require ME to download something I don't already have in order to view YOU are equally annoying and will force me to hate you.

Topics where you and a friend feel the need to seemingly "talk" to each other through your blog or through comments (MySpace) about how wasted you got, what happened on your "wild weekend", etc... is a feeble attempt to exploit the lesser known fact that you might possibly have a non-internet social life. If we know you, then we know about how many times you threw up last Saturday and if we don't know you, what kind of lame person talks about throwing up to complete strangers? This also applies to people who blog, but use code to disguise who they are and who they are talking about. If you write a blog and assume it's being read by people who DON'T know you, why would you further confuse the "conversation" by using aliases, initials, and code? If you're blogging just for people who know you and know your code, just pick up the phone and quit sucking up bandwith.

Posting a sentence followed by the word "baby!!" is not appealing...but is yet, very sad. So is WrItInG LyKe ThIs, posting topless photos (men and women), posting cleavage photos (women), and talking about how much you like sex, have sex, want sex, etc....

Telling someone their crush will call them if they email every person on their address list with some STOOOOPID gift certificate, sappy story, joke, etc.... is just mean. Don't do it. We both know nothing good nor bad will result simply from forwarding JUNK email. All the chain letters do is slow things down and cause Internet companies to put their site down for maintenance. If you email me with one of these, I will create a voodoo doll of you and pour salt into the eyeballs.

You're never going get to a free I-Pod, with no strings attached ever... sorry.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

I have lots to do, which is exactly why I'm making lists like this which take up time that I could be doing actual useful stuff.

The Top Ten Television/Movie Celebrities That I Have A Crush On....

10. Dan Futterman (Vincent, "Judging Amy" - but my crush came way before he was on television. Check out the movie, "Breathing Room").

9. Dhani Harrison (son of the late former Beatle, George Harrison).

8. Tom Cavanagh (TV's "Ed").

7. Paul Rudd (he's at his best in "Object of My Affection" as Jennifer Aniston's gay love interest).

6. Zach Braff (Garden State...'nuff said).

5. Martin Donovan (Saved!, The Opposite of Sex...)

4. Anthony Stewart Head (Buffy, Maxwell House commercials)

3. Dan Abrams (legal correspondent, "The Today Show")

2. Kyle McLachlan