Monday, September 25, 2006

Welcome Me Back!

Ok, so after a long absence and an addiction to MySpace, of which I have now fully recovered, I am back to blogland.

My experience with MySpace was a positive one. I really liked the atmosphere and reconnected with a lot of people I had lost touch with. Hopefully, I can direct those all to hear and actually have a readership here again. My MySpace was getting about 20 hits a day and I made a lot of wonderful friends there. It was just time to move away for awhile. It started to really consume me, like any addition. I'd get anxious if I couldn't get on for a day. And my life is really too full to be so dependent.

So, what else is going on with me?

Teaching 8th grade, going to school at night. I'm in a great program with an awesome bunch of people that I've gotten really close to. I'm going to a church that I love. I've recently been going through a family crisis that is beyond imagination, and that for many reasons, I can't discuss here. But it's been surreal and heartbreaking. It's made me very thankful for my husband who has been wonderful to me through it all. It has also made me appreciate the friends I have now, and miss some that have fallen by the wayside. I think of those broken friendships often and how important they were to me when they were a big part of who I was.

I want to make a new start here, and hopefully bring over some of my MySpace friends, at least as readers and I hope that I make new friends while I'm here.
Lyrics: "Love Me or Hate Me" [this song right now plays in my car almost every time I am in it. It's also my cell ring tone, because this is just the way I look at things right now. I want to be loved, and many do love me, and if you can't see what's good in me and about me, get the heck outta my way because I don't need you.]
* by Lady Sovereign

yeah ...i'ts officially the biggest midget in the game
I dunno....
make way for the S.O.V.

love me or hate me it's still an obsession
love me or hate me that is the question
if you love me then thank you
if you hate me then fuck you

love me or hate me it's still an obsession
love me or hate me that is the question
if you love me then thank you
if you hate me then fuck you

I'm fat I need a diet
no infact im just enlighten, enlighten
got the biggest breasts
but I write all the verses
i got hairy armpits
but I dont walk around like this
i wear a big baggy tshirt that hides that nasty shit
no I have my nails done
bite them down and faught the nun
im the one with non exsistant bum
now I don't really give a urghhh
im missing my shepards pie
like a high name chick missing a diamond
I'm missing me clipin' lights
now bow down to your royal highness
no I don't own a corgy
I'm not gonna trip that
cos I go there
go on then go on report me
im english try and deport me

love me or hate me it's still an obsession
love me or hate me that is the question
if you love me then thank you
if you hate me then fuck you

love me or hate me its still an obsession
love me or hate me that is the question
if you love me then thank you
if you hate me then fuck you